11:26 | 22 октября 2016

Minsk, 21 October, 2016 - Minsk, the capital of Belarus, will host the second edition of the European Games in 2019 after the membership of the European Olympic Committees (EOC) today voted to approve the city’s candidacy.

The EOC’s membership – who are gathered in Minsk for the 45th EOC General Assembly – delivered a large majority vote in favour of the city hosting the second edition of the European Games.
Ukrainian delegation was represented at the Assembly by NOC President Sergey Bubka, NOC CEO Natalia Kovalenko and Head of International Department Nelly Demianets.  Minsk has a strong reputation for staging high-level competitions in Olympic sports having hosted the UCI Track Cycling World Championships and the EUBC European Boxing Championships in 2013, the IIHF World Championship in Ice Hockey in 2014, and the ISU European Speed Skating Championships earlier this year. President of the Republic of Belarus and NOC President, Alexander Lukashenko, gave an address to delegates at the General Assembly this morning in which he said: “I am glad to announce that Belarus is ready to host the second European Games in 2019. Belarus has a modern infrastructure and facilities capable of staging international competition at the highest level.” Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, hosted the inaugural European Games in 2015 featuring 20 sports and providing qualification opportunities for European athletes to the Rio 2016 Olympic Games in 12 sports. EOC acting President Janez Kocijan

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