Sergey Bubka received the special Award in Monaco

10:26 | 20 марта 2018

Ukraine’s Sergey Bubka, the 35-time world pole-vaulting record holder, six-time IAAF World Champion and Olympic gold medalist, was guest of honour at the Union International Motonautique (UIM) Awards’ ceremony at Sporting Club Monte-Carlo on March 17.

Sergey Bubka was invited as the outstanding athlete who dedicated all his life to sport, who achieved the outstanding results and after the active carrier stay in sport to work for its future development welfare. During the ceremony, he was honored by special UIM award as the living legend of sport and role model for young athletes.   

Introduced by UIM President Raffaele Chiulli, the Ukrainian legend spoke passionately about his Olympic career, his new position within the IOC and gave valuable advice to UIM racers, young and old.

Together with UIM President Dr. Raffaele Chiulli Sergey Bubka, who is also IOC EB Member and Ukrainian NOC President, awarded the heroes of the year.  

The event also saw the presentation of the newly created special awards namely Best Driver and Junior Driver of the year 2017, UIM Hall of Fame and Sport for All Award.

Established in 1922, the Union International Motonautique (UIM) is the world governing body for all Powerboating activities.
It is fully recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and is a member of the Association of the IOC Recognized International Sports Federations (ARISF) and of Sport Accord. The UIM has 60 affiliated National Federations.           

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